S.NO Name Team Members Details Mentorship
1. Lie Detection using Fuzzy Logic 1. Himanshu Varshney 2015 Fall Prof Deepali Agarwal
2. IOT Based Project 2015 Spring Prof Vishan Gupta
3. Smart Agriculture 1. Abhishek Singh 2. Ashu Dikshit 3. Ashutosh Kumar Mishra 2016 Fall, (1st prize at Dept Level) Dr Vijai Singh
4. Sentiment Analysis using R and creating word cloud 2017 Spring
5. Movie Recommendation System 1. Abhishek Gangwar 2. Abhishek Sharma 2018, Final Year Project Dr Vijai Singh


S.NO Name Team Members Details
1. Review of various Bands available in the Market Proff Swati Singh NSFTICE '15 Fall at IMSEC
2. Review of Offline Signature Methods 1. Akshma Mittal 2. Arti Singh 3. Ayushi Tomar 2015 Spring IJCEA at IMSEC
3. The state of art of CAPTCHA 1. Ashu Dikshit 2016 Fall NSFTICE at IMSEC
4. Movie Recommendation System - Research Paper 1. Abhishek Gangwar 2. Abhishek Sharma 2018 IJARIIT at International Conclave


S.NO Name Details
1. Counterfeited 4 Awards in a Row in a single fest NSFTICE '15 Fall at IMSEC
2. Open Case Study Challenge Delhi DTU Spring '15
3. Decrypto Case Study Challenge IITK Fall '16


S.NO Name Trained By
1. Software Testing Prof Lipika Goel and Proff Swati Singh, IMSEC
2. Android Development Mr. Shashwat Singh, Kalpvaig Technologies
3. Data Analytics Prof Bala NPTEL IITM
4. Programming, Data Science and Algorithms using python Prof Madhavan Mukund NPTEL IITM